Sunday, September 19, 2010

Foodwaste 17/09/10

Note: I use day-month-year for the date and will continue to do so :-)

I am proud to announce that there has not been a lot of waste, but have to admit that part of it is thanks to the dog. I tried and did a pretty good job in cooking smaller portions, but sometimes the dog had to finish off some left-overs. Or, in one case, a whole steak which was pretty close to uneatable.

I have thrown out: 1 piece of bread which had gone very very hard. Some soft cheese I swore never to buy again and then did so nevertheless - most of the times it tastes funny the day after opening and is inedible the second day. This time I didn't even bother looking when my eyes fell upon the package 3 days after opening. Out it went, no picture taken. I cleaned out most of the freezer as well and threw out a whole bunch of plastic containers with breast-milk (the baby still doesn't take the bottle and anyway they were from January) and some fish with severe freezer burn.

I'll try making some pics next week!


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