As in most of Europe, Summer came late even to Italy. BUT - it's here now, and with it lots of fresh and delicious fruit. Throughout the year I try to buy fruit according to season and which grows - if possible - in the same country. I'd never buy strawberries in wintertime or from Spain. I have to admit though, that I do buy them if they come from Sicily, even though that's almost 1.000km as well. So on my last trip to the local fruit- and veggie-store I bought watermelon, nectarines, cantaloupe and Nespole. I don't think there's a name for them in English, I don't even think you can get them out of Italy (at least, I've never seen them anywhere). They're as big as apricots and they taste like something between a strawberry and a lemon. Yummy Yummy!!!
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