Thursday, May 27, 2010

There's nothing like a good Steak

We are no vegetarians, not even close. We like a good steak once or twice in a while. Preferably with fries or - like today - with "patate al forno". While "Fiorentina" is one of the best meats to have, they're also incredibly expensive and almost-2-inch-thick-cut: so one steak weighs at least a good pound. Thus, we usually go for steaks from happy Danish cows, cut thick (2cm), cooked raw to medium. Not too small, as you can see from the picture.

Cooking the steak: While the Barbecue or open-fire-grill is undeniably the best way to cook a nice steak, most people living in Rome do not have a garden or balcony (and even if you have a balcony, I wouldn't recommend striking up a nice cosy fire). So, what's next? I prefer a ridged pan, well preheated, no oil or fat used for frying (there usually is still enough fat at the meat), lots of coarse salt and - that's it. You might want to rub the pan with a garlic clove or add other spices. I sometimes add Balsamico-Cream on the cooked side of the steak and flip it over for another 10 seconds.

The oven-potatoes: Potatoes, peeled and cut in cubes, rosemary, salt, garlic-cloves, olive-oil. Other spices if you wish so. Throw into oven and cook until done or browned. I still haven't found the secret regarding the right choice of potatoes. Even when I buy the potatoe "especially suitable for oven-potatoes" they still do not turn out excellent. Oh well, they tasted quite good. Experiment!

Sidedish: Just to regain some dignity and some sense of being healthy, there's a nice little side-salad.


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