Thursday, October 28, 2010

Risotto with Chestnuts

Risotto with Chestnuts
For the Risotto-part, please view my other post!
Chestnuts (about 25-30 pieces)

With a sharp knife cut two lines on the flat side of the chestnuts, one vertically and one horizontally.

Bring water to the boil and add chestnuts, let boil for 10-15 minutes. Take out one by one and peel off the hard outer shell and the soft dark skin (it leaves a bitter taste). Leave some chestnuts as a whole, cut the others into small pieces.

In a small pan melt 2 tablespoons of sugar until liquid, then add water (the sugar might become one solid piece  upon contact with water, but be patient, it'll dissolve again). Stir until you have a nice syrupy liquid, then add the whole chestnuts and let boil a few minutes until nicely caramelized from all sides.

 Add broken chestnuts to the rice about halfway through the cooking-process, continue with ladle / broth / simmering as described above. When the risotto is done, use the caramelized chestnuts to decorate. Here we go:


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