Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meat-filled baked pasta

This afternoon, while rooting through my fridge, I found a package of ground beef (or what do you call it? minced meat? Hamburger?). Tired of the usual Spaghetti Bolognese, I decided to cook stuffed pasta - since it goes in the oven it's quick and easy. Here we go:

- 270 gr ground beef
- leftover slice of bacon
- leftover pancetta
- 1 egg
- 5-6 cherry tomatoes
- finely chopped garlic + whatever spices you like. I used salt, pepper and parsley

large-holed pasta, e.g. cannelloni or, as was my case, paccheri. The packages are half a kg, but I used approx. 300 gr.

- 1 bottle of "pomodoro passato" (pureed tomatoes)
- optional: 1 small package of cream (ca. 200ml)
- optional: spices. I used a bit of pepper and a dash of peperoncino

Preheat oven. Throw ingredients for filling in bowl, blend well. I used an electric blender, so I got a really dense dough-like mixture. Stuff pasta with the filling and place in oven pan.

Empty bottle of tomatoes into pot, add cream and spices. I like to add cream, because the sauce becomes creamier and milder. Bring to a boil. Pour over pasta. As you can see in the picture, I topped it with parmesan cheese, but since the pasta is uncooked and has to stay at least 20min. ion the oven, I strongly advise to add the cheese later on, maybe a few minutes before taking out the pan.

Here's the result on a plate - sorry for the low quality of decoration. Obviously my real plate was a bit fuller. I like to eat!


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