Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Foodwaste 08/10/10

I haven't forgotten food-waste this week, although it is sooo embarassing that I might as well have... It's been a bad bad week :-(((
The only little little excuse to my advantage is that I actually took the picture on Monday 11th, so there's 3 days more to it and 3 days less for next weeks' food-waste. Also I have a mother-in-law who brought over food although I explicitly told her not to. I mean, what am I doing with 2kg of chicken and peppers when I a) don't like chicken and peppers and b) am going to eat out for 3 nights?

Here we go. We have 4 pieces of plum, 1/3 joghurt, an almost full box of disgusting inedible chick-pea-lentil-soup, a rest o cream-cheese, some pancetta, margarine which hid somewhere in the fridge, 1/2 feta which hid together with the margarine, some defrosted applesauce.

Not in the picture (well, I really am ashamed!): 3/4 bag of salad, most of the meatballs I made last week, a rest of the in-law-peppers (the chicken was eaten by the dog, thank God). And I think that somewhere along the line there was a rotten apple.


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