I've finally gotten around to making a plan for the following week. I've meant to do so for a long time, but somehow I never did follow through. I just cooked whatever I felt up to that day, and thus ended up going shopping almost every day. BASTAAAAA!!
So, here's what we're eating sat. 11 september to Friday 17 sept. 2010
Saturday: Chili con Carne with homemade baguette
Sunday: Wiener Schnitzel, fried potatoes and salad
Monday: Bucatini Amatriciana
Tuesday: Pancakes Salty (cheese and ham, cheese and pancetta) and sweet (jam, apple and cinnamon)
Wednesday: Homemade Agnolotti with salsiccia-funghi-filling
Thursday: Something Indian or Chinese - my man is not home, so I can cook with spices and veggies
Friday: My sister is coming to visit me in Rome and I'll take her out to Pizza :-))
Food Waste Friday
Food Waste Friday is actually connected to the meal-plan: I have been wasting way too much food. Partly due to uncontrolled cooking and shopping or because I simply forgot what I had in my fridge. Since this is not only a waste of money, but obviously also a bad thing from a moral point of view, I always felt rather ashamed. I then stumbled across the blog of Kirsten, The Frugal Girl, and her Food Waste Fridays.
So, I'll try and do this as well. I'll try and share a picture even though it'll be embarrassing a lot of times. I'll try and get better and not waste so much food.
So today I cleaned my fridge, wiped it all with vinegar, threw out everything mouldy or unidentifiable or long-over-the-date, and now I'm ready to go.
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