Sunday, September 26, 2010

Orecchiette Maggioline

This is the first of my Cook-Book-Choices!!! Yeah for us! It was quite fun trying something new and I was really surprised by the choice - usually that sweet man at my side runs like hell if a veggie comes near him. I myself am not the biggest fan of asparagus, but it was ok and quite nice to have something different. I doubt that this recipe will make the Top 10 of our favourite foods (or even near that), but anyway, here it comes:

The recipe was taken from this book:

Here's the original recipe:

For 4 People
300gr Orecchiette (ear-shaped Pasta from Apulia)
1 kg Asparagus
200gr canned tomato (already pureed)
70 gr fresh salsiccia
1 piece of onion
50 gr Butter
2 Tablespoons olive-oil
grated parmesan-cheese

Scrape the stems of the asparagus, and cook in salted water. When done, cut the tender parts into small pieces. Lightly brown the cut onion and salsiccia in olive-oil, add the tomato-puree and salt and let simmer for 20 min. In the meantime bring to the boil salted water and cook the pasta according to package-details. In another pan melt the butter and add the asparagus-pieces, then add the tomato-sauce. Stir gently and let simmer for a few minutes. Drain pasta and mix with sauce, top with parmesan-cheese.

Her are tow pics of the result, one still in the pan and one on my plate.


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